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10 Early Signs of Autism in Infants [Things You Need to Know About Your Child]

Duration: 05:58Views: 10.9KLikes: 117Date Created: Apr, 2021

Channel: WaysAndHow

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: show interest in others.how toautism symptomswhat is autismautism signsautism testingdoesn't babbledoesn't seek attentionearly signs of autism in infantswaysandhowautism in infantssymptoms of autismdiyspectrum autismimitate expressionsautism spectrumfamiliar voicesautism in infants early signshealthsigns of autism in infantsautismautism testautism in infants symptomssigns of autismsigns of early autism in infantseye contact

Description: This video is about 10 early signs of autism in infants, about things you need to know about your child so that you can help raise him or her right to be normal. Autism has many faces, and knowing the signs and symptoms of autism spectrum and autism symptoms could help you spot any abnormalities in your child before it is too late. Please pay attention to these few signs and whether your child is doing them or not doing them-- eye contact, familiar voices, imitate expressions, Doesn't babble, Doesn't seek attention, show interest in others. Waysandhow. #autism #autismspectrum #waysandhow Get answers with an at-home test from our sponsor LetsGetChecked and save 30%: Liver Test: trylgc.com/waysandhowlivertest Male Hormone Test: trylgc.com/waysandhowmalehormone STD Test: trylgc.com/waysandhowstdtest Diabetes and Heart Test: trylgc.com/waysandhowdiabetesandheart If you are interested in testing your gut health, Ways&How has a sponsor who can assist: ombrelab.com/waysandhow Check out our Health And Wellness Solutions at Amazon. amazon.com/shop/waysandhow waysandhow.com Subscribe to Waysandhow: goo.gl/RK2SbN Our Social Media: Google+: plus.google.com/+waysandhow Facebook: facebook.com/waysandhow Pinterest: pinterest.com/waysandhow Twitter: twitter.com/waysandhow Instagram: instagram.com/ways.and.how Waysandhow is a DIY channel with health-focused videos in areas of health and fitness, dieting, weight loss, healthy foods, exercise, and many other types of health-related how-to videos.

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